3 Reasons Cleansing Together is a Recipe For Success

Hiking with a friend is filled with more smiles and laughter, and usually makes the harder moments seem just a little bit easier. Just like getting to the gym is easier when you know your accountability buddy is waiting for you. And, it's easier to push through those last 10-seconds of your plank when your bestie is on the mat next to you.
The same holds true with many aspects of life, including your commitment to cleansing. Whether you’re cleansing regularly throughout the year or looking for a short-term cleanse, having someone or a group of someones committed to the same cleanse can make it easier to successfully complete. Cleansing can be a group commitment, especially if you’re planning on a multi-day cleanse like Ever Clean.
Think about how busy gyms and athletic clubs are in January. Now, consider how many of those people are still hitting the gym every day or even once a week come November. Fun (and kind of sad) Fact: Ninety-two percent of people who set New Year’s goals never actually achieve them. The longer the time commitment, the more likely we are to find ourselves falling off before we finish. The same is true with cleansing.
When we have a buddy, a partner or a group committed to the same goals, it’s easier to succeed for three reasons:
Motivation: Use peer pressure to your advantage. Even the most motivated of individuals turns to a mentor, peer or team for motivation from time-to-time. We don’t like to let others down, especially those we value enough to turn to for help. A group can amplify your internal drive, push you to propel yourself further and challenge you to go the distance. Similarly, you may think of giving in to your urges as “no one will know.” Which brings us too...
Accountability: “No one will know” can be very real. It applies to eating healthy when no one is looking or running a red light in the middle of nowhere. Truth is, sometimes we cut ourselves more slack than we should. Sometimes it helps to have an outside party making sure we're doing what we committed to and ensuring our partner or team is committed as well. Having an accountability group can help you stay on track.
- Celebration: When you complete a goal or hold true to a resolution, it is that much more satisfying to celebrate with those that know your struggle personally because it was theirs as well. Sure, people can appreciate that you ran a marathon that you’d been training all year for or understand what it takes to commit to a daily fitness goal, but, unless they did it as well, they don’t have the same appreciation for the amount of time, effort and commitment you put into it. Similarly, your decision to cleanse alone may be celebrated by your peers while they continue with their lifestyle around you, but the celebration won’t seem as unique or special because it’s no different for them personally.
Making the conscious decision to abstain from something from any given amount of time while working to cleanse your body can be challenging. If you have a significant other, brother, sister, best friend, group of buddies or a team to commit to the same goal you have, you’ll find the process easier — and your odds of success skyrocket! And, in the end, you’ll celebrate together with a full understanding of what it took.