Back to School Detox: Get Your Body & Mind Ready For The Classroom

With summer well in our rearview mirrors, you may be feeling the effects of all that summertime fun now that you’re forced to slip back into a Role of Responsibility. It can be easy to slip out of your school routine of bedtimes, wake-up times, and responsible decisions. If one beer turned into three on a Monday night, there was no guilt over approaching deadlines or early-morning wake-up calls to stop you.
While such freedom is indeed rejuvenating, there comes a time when you must snap back to reality. Now is that time. Though the rest of the world may be ready, you are not. Fortunately, there are ways to mentally and physically prepare quickly during this transition to fall. We’ll show you how.
Making the Mental & Physical Transition From Summer to Fall
Preparing for the current school year entails undoing summertime habits (at least a little). From prioritizing your sleep to cutting back on screen time, check out these top ways to transition back into your responsible, school-ready self.
Prioritize Your Sleep
If you used summer as an opportunity to catch up on some much-needed ZZZ’s, you might feel well-rested. However, now your internal alarm clock is off and needs resetting. Some steps you can take to get back on a normal sleep schedule are as follows:
- Start 10 days to two weeks in advance, and go to bed and wake up 15 minutes earlier each day.
- Be consistent, even on weekends.
- Establish a soothing bedtime routine that limits screen time.
- Avoid caffeine or big meals before bed.
- Make exercise a part of your daily routine.
If you commit to each of these steps, you should be back to a normal sleep schedule within two weeks.
Continue Staying Active
If you let your fitness routine fall by the wayside this summer, it’s time to pick it back up. While you probably should not try to pick up where you left off, as doing so could cause you to hurt yourself, you should make it a point to get moving every day. Start small with a brisk walk around the block. Do five to 10 minutes of strength training at home or the gym, or begin practicing yoga within your home. As you build up endurance, add time and increase intensity. Like sleeping, you should return to your regular fitness routine within weeks.
Get Organized
Now that you have control of your sleep and exercise schedules, it’s time to organize other aspects of your life. If you have yet to get rid of last year’s paperwork, have a purging party. While at it, go through your clothes and shoes to determine what fits and is flattering versus what is not. Donate clothes that fall into the latter camp.
Develop organization systems for everything from your keys and coats to your schoolwork. Plan out freezer-ready meals, and build a framework for morning and evening routines. You want your school days to run like clockwork, which is possible with a well-organized system in place.
Cleanse Your Bod
The next item on your school-ready to-do list is to reset your body with a cleanse. A quick herbal cleanse can rid your body of any leftover toxins from the summer and replenish it with vital vitamins and nutrients. Both these outcomes lead to better overall wellbeing and mental clarity. In addition to adding more fresh, organic produce to your diet, consider giving one of these herbal cleanses a try:
- Instant Clean, which is ideal for high levels of toxin exposure and can start working in just three to four hours
- Mighty Clean, which helps combat maximum toxin exposure levels within hours
- Mega Clean, which is a one-day herbal cleanse for mild to high levels of toxin exposure
- 10-Day Reset, which supports multi-system cleansing and supports gut health and sustained energy
These can offer the boost you need to quickly get your system back on track.
Back to the week essentials Shop Herbal Detox Cleanses
Limit Your Screen Time
Screen time is linked to several adverse outcomes, including poor eating and sleeping habits. To keep the results of your hard work intact, limit your screen time throughout the school year.
Set Aside Time for Reflection
Whether you’re a student yourself or the parent of school-aged kids, you have a lot on your plate. It is crucial for your mental well-being that you take time to yourself to reflect on each day’s events and mentally prepare for those to come.
Mark Your Calendars
The end of summer can be discouraging for some, as it marks the end of sunshine, freedom and carefree living. To avoid the school-year blues, mark your calendar with things to look forward to, including family vacations, spring break, payday and other anticipatory events.
Embrace the New Lifestyle
Summer will roll around once again, and when it does, you can let loose and readopt your carefree ways. Until then, embrace your responsible lifestyle and all the routines that come with it. In doing so, you can live in the moment, which is just as gratifying as having nothing pressing to do at all.
Summer is behind us, and while it may be difficult to get back into a school routine, it’s not impossible. With guidance and a bit of effort, you’ll be ready for that first bell in no time.